Rock Voices is a no-audition community choir for adults that sings only ROCK music! Our mission is “healing ourselves and others through song”.
Want to reach out to us with a question?
You can always email info@rockvoices.com for a response.
But before you reach out, have you read our FAQs?
All our rehearsals run from 7PM – 9PM unless otherwise stipulated. Your director may make small adjustments (e.g., 30 minutes later/earlier) as needed.
If you aren’t able to attend one night, no need to let us know – just show up the following week!
Your director will provide you with a full list of dates for your choir’s rehearsals.
Part recordings are available for all enrolled singers, and are an easy way to learn your voice part. You listen to your part in your left ear, and the rest of the song in your right ear. Want to download these? Head to our member page (be sure you check your email for the password!) Don’t know the password? Email info@rockvoices.com and ask us.
Having trouble accessing the part recordings from this Season’s Members page?
It’s likely your computer is loading the page from cache but it actually needs to load it fresh from the server. On Windows use Ctrll+F5. On a Mac, Shift+Reload or press Shift+Cmd+R. You may need to enter the season password again.
FAQ for Part Recordings on Facebook
Spotify Specific Instructions
Having trouble enrolling? You’re not alone; the site we use for enrolling and payment can be a little tricky. Use this document to follow along.
The button below will take you to a survey that includes several potential themes, and gives you an opportunity to suggest a song for each theme. There’s even a place for you to suggest your own theme (and a song to go with it). Our Executive and Creative Director Tony Lechner is constantly going back to these spreadsheets for inspiration, so your suggestions may come in handy in the future, too. There are a LOT of themes listed on the survey but don’t feel pressured to suggest something for every one of them. Just do the ones you want to do. You can also keep the survey open and add songs as you think of them. Or make a big list and then open this survey and fill it out all at once. We appreciate any input you’re willing to give.
Rock Voices continues to monitor covid data, as well as information from epidemiologists and other experts on public health in general. We continue to ease our covid policies, but appreciate our members’ continued efforts to limit illness exposure in public spaces.
We strongly encourage anyone who is feeling unwell to stay home. There are many options for viewing virtual rehearsals, and these are an excellent learning tool that helps protect your fellow singers throughout the season. Email info@rockvoices.com if you need more information about accessing a virtual rehearsal.
For the fall 2024 season:
- We no longer require proof of covid vaccination.
- If you get covid please do not return to in-person rehearsals until your symptoms have improved AND you have not had a fever (and you are not taking fever-reducing medications) for at least 24 hours.
- If you know you were exposed to covid, monitor yourself for symptoms and consider staying home from choir, or wearing a mask, until 14 days have passed.
We want Rock Voices to continue to be a safe space for all. We need your help to make that happen, as we are a community that thrives when we take care of ourselves and each other.
- Our primary website (where you are reading this!) is www.rockvoices.com and it’s where you’ll find part recordings and other information about our organization. Passwords on this site are emailed to all currently enrolled members. Can’t find it? Email us at info@rockvoices.com and we’ll send it you again.
- Our secondary website is www.rockvoices.pike13.com and it’s where you enroll and make payments; it’s also where you make up your own password, and we don’t have access to that. But you can click on “Forgot Password” on that site to request that they send you a link.
All of our rehearsals are held at 7PM local time, regardless of location. Minor adjustments to this time (i.e., 30 minutes earlier/later) might also be possible depending on the director.
Each of our sessions involves weekly rehearsals for about 12 weeks, depending upon the session. A full calendar of your specific choir’s dates will be provided by your director.
If you know that you cannot attend a rehearsal, that’s okay; no need to let us know. Just show up the following week.
Your choir will meet for about 12 weeks, rehearsing more songs each week in preparation for a live concert, complete with a live, professional rock band. At last, you get to actually BE a rockstar!!
Rock Voices concerts can be very expensive to produce, necessitating an admission charge. Our ticket prices are in line with concerts by similar performing arts groups, including community choirs, theater and dance organizations. Your tuition money pays for the day-to-day expenses of the regular choir season, but does not go towards concerts, which are covered completely by admission fees.
A typical Rock Voices concert will be held in a large auditorium or church and feature a live rock band backing up the choir. In cases where a choir is too small to field an audience, we will set up an alternative concert opportunity that will be less formal and will feature our own customized instrumental backing tracks rather than a band. This allows us to provide a concert experience for a group that otherwise would not be able to generate enough sales to produce a full concert.
Having trouble enrolling? You’re not alone; the site we use for enrollment and payment can be a little tricky. Use this document to follow along.
Visit our website for the full list of covid protocols.
Looking for our concert tickets? Links will be provided here when they go on sale.
A note about ticket prices: Rock Voices concerts can be very expensive to produce, necessitating an admission charge. Our ticket prices are in line with and often more affordable than concerts by similar performing arts groups, including community choirs, theater and dance organizations. In addition to the rental of the performance space we have such expenses as riser rental, sound engineering, and paying the band.